Tricky Hat collaborated with PLAY ART! Sendai to create 炎 Honō – a multimedia live performance which took place on Sunday 24th October 2021 @PaToNa Theatre, Sendai (Japan)
Flames from Scotland and Japan collaborated digitally to create this show about the lives, hopes and dreams of older people in both countries.
More info here
In April 2020, Tricky Hat team and a small group of Flames was to travel to Japan to create 炎 Honō (Japanese for Flames). Due to COVID-19, this live collaboration had to be postponed to 2022.
This project is supported by the British Council Scotland and Creative Scotland partnership as part of ‘UK in Japan 2019-20’, a joint initiative by the British Council and the British Embassy Tokyo to highlight the breadth of the UK’s relationship with Japan.
炎 Honō is also supported by Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and Sasakawa Foundation.